About the Report
The U.S. Chamber’s International IP Index (IP Index) creates a roadmap for economies seeking to strengthen the ecosystem for innovation and creativity through more effective intellectual property (IP) standards.
The 12th IP Index evaluates intellectual property systems across the world's top 55 economies using 50 unique criteria. The data shows economies how to improve IP-driven innovation and creativity and reveals trends in global IP protection.
The IP Index also serves as a guide to world leaders on proven methods to champion innovation and creativity at home. With this data, they can see what's working, what's not, and what changes are needed to ensure a brighter future.
Supplemental reports
Top Scores and Rankings
2024 IP Index Findings
Global Rankings of the top 55 economies
Select a country below to see specific strengths and weaknesses
Ranking: 55/55
The strength of a nation’s IP framework compared to others, with 1 being strongest and 55 the weakest.
Score: 14.10%
Scores (0-100%) based on benchmarking an economy's IP policies across 55 indicators related to patents, copyrights, enforcement, and more.
Venezuela's IP Strengths
- Basic copyright, trademark, and industrial design frameworks are in place
- Awareness-raising and capacity building efforts highlight the importance and use of IP rights
Venezuela's IP Weaknesses
- Weak patent framework, with sector-specific patents and other IP rights not available
- Major holes in copyright protection, notably in the digital sphere
Ranking: 54/55
The strength of a nation’s IP framework compared to others, with 1 being strongest and 55 the weakest.
Score: 25.00%
Scores (0-100%) based on benchmarking an economy's IP policies across 55 indicators related to patents, copyrights, enforcement, and more.
Russia's IP Strengths
- The past few years have seen new copyright laws passed that strengthen rightsholders’ ability to request the disabling of access to infringing material online
- Federal Service for Intellectual Property (ROSPATENT) has in place numerous PPHs and is a full participant in the GPPH
Russia's IP Weaknesses
- The 2022 federal laws 46-FZ and 213-FZ nullify existing duly granted IP protection under Civil Code Part IV for all major IP rights covered in the IP Index
- Deep and abiding uncertainty exists about the extent to which rightsholders will, in practice, at any point in the future be able to register and enforce their IP rights in Russia
Ranking: 53/55
The strength of a nation’s IP framework compared to others, with 1 being strongest and 55 the weakest.
Score: 26.36%
Scores (0-100%) based on benchmarking an economy's IP policies across 55 indicators related to patents, copyrights, enforcement, and more.
Algeria's IP Strengths
- 2022-2023 judicial reforms and introduction of new “specialized commercial courts”
- Reforms in 2019 and 2020 removed the 51-49% local ownership rule and could amount to a sea change in Algeria’s openness to and relationship with foreign investments
Algeria's IP Weaknesses
- Historically, a difficult localization policy environment with import substitution, bans, and local ownership requirements; the 2021 Finance Law appears to reinstate some of these requirements
- Not a WTO member or TRIPS signatory
Ranking: 52/55
The strength of a nation’s IP framework compared to others, with 1 being strongest and 55 the weakest.
Score: 27.42%
Scores (0-100%) based on benchmarking an economy's IP policies across 55 indicators related to patents, copyrights, enforcement, and more.
Pakistan's IP Strengths
- 2021 accession to Madrid Protocol
- Basic IP laws and legal framework are in place
Pakistan's IP Weaknesses
- Limited sector-specific IP protections are available
- Enforcement is often arbitrary and nondeterrent (although efforts to improve are underway)
Ranking: 51/55
The strength of a nation’s IP framework compared to others, with 1 being strongest and 55 the weakest.
Score: 28.42%
Scores (0-100%) based on benchmarking an economy's IP policies across 55 indicators related to patents, copyrights, enforcement, and more.
Kuwait's IP Strengths
- A new administrative copyright enforcement option was made available in 2022 through the National Library
- A basic IP framework is in place
Kuwait's IP Weaknesses
- Uncertainty over the future of the GCC patent and how or whether the regional patenting route will continue to exist
- Most sector-specific rights are missing
Ranking: 50/55
The strength of a nation’s IP framework compared to others, with 1 being strongest and 55 the weakest.
Score: 29.58%
Scores (0-100%) based on benchmarking an economy's IP policies across 55 indicators related to patents, copyrights, enforcement, and more.
Ecuador's IP Strengths
- Strengthened support for SMEs through the WIPO-WEF “Inventor Assistance Program”
- National IP authority SENADI ordered local ISPs to disable access to several websites hosting infringing and unlicensed content
Ecuador's IP Weaknesses
- Implementing regulations potentially undermine Código Ingenios’ RDP term of protection
- Substantial barriers to licensing activities, including direct government intervention and review of technology transfer and licensing agreements
Ranking: 49/55
The strength of a nation’s IP framework compared to others, with 1 being strongest and 55 the weakest.
Score: 30.40%
Scores (0-100%) based on benchmarking an economy's IP policies across 55 indicators related to patents, copyrights, enforcement, and more.
Indonesia's IP Strengths
- The Omnibus Job Creation Bill modifies general technology transfer and the localization requirement of the 2016 Patent Act to include importation
- Continued strong efforts made by the Directorate General of Intellectual Property to improve enforcement environment
Indonesia's IP Weaknesses
- A government-use license was issued in 2021 for patents related to COVID-19 treatment
- The challenging copyright environment has high levels of piracy because administrative measures do not address mirror and linking sites
Ranking: 48/55
The strength of a nation’s IP framework compared to others, with 1 being strongest and 55 the weakest.
Score: 33.86%
Scores (0-100%) based on benchmarking an economy's IP policies across 55 indicators related to patents, copyrights, enforcement, and more.
Egypt's IP Strengths
- Increased copyright enforcement in 2023
- Egypt joined the 1991 International Convention for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV) agreement in 2020
Egypt's IP Weaknesses
- 2020 data protection law will potentially impose new localization requirements
- Limited framework for the protection of life sciences IP rights
Ranking: 47/55
The strength of a nation’s IP framework compared to others, with 1 being strongest and 55 the weakest.
Score: 36.34%
Scores (0-100%) based on benchmarking an economy's IP policies across 55 indicators related to patents, copyrights, enforcement, and more.
Nigeria's IP Strengths
- The 2023 new Copyright Act improves Nigeria’s national IP environment
- Joined the Convention on Cybercrime in 2022
Nigeria's IP Weaknesses
- Overall weak and limited legal and regulatory framework, with no major forms of IP rights in place
- Enforcement challenges persist—no national coordination, only ad hoc efforts
Ranking: 46/55
The strength of a nation’s IP framework compared to others, with 1 being strongest and 55 the weakest.
Score: 37.00%
Scores (0-100%) based on benchmarking an economy's IP policies across 55 indicators related to patents, copyrights, enforcement, and more.
Argentina's IP Strengths
- The 2023 copyright infringement injunction against online piracy includes a “dynamic” element
- A basic framework for IP protection is in place
Argentina's IP Weaknesses
- Key life sciences IP rights are missing
- Gaps exist in the legal framework for enforcing copyright online, but some important instances of judicial action have occurred
South Africa
Ranking: 45/55
The strength of a nation’s IP framework compared to others, with 1 being strongest and 55 the weakest.
Score: 37.28%
Scores (0-100%) based on benchmarking an economy's IP policies across 55 indicators related to patents, copyrights, enforcement, and more.
South Africa's IP Strengths
- The 2021 Cyber Crime Act strengthens potential criminal sanctions for the misappropriation and illicit accessing of trade secrets and confidential information
- Basic IP framework is in place
South Africa's IP Weaknesses
- Growing emphasis on localization and local content requirements in economic and industrial policy
- Proposed copyright amendments create uncertainty for rightsholders through expansive “fair use” definitions
Ranking: 44/55
The strength of a nation’s IP framework compared to others, with 1 being strongest and 55 the weakest.
Score: 37.88%
Scores (0-100%) based on benchmarking an economy's IP policies across 55 indicators related to patents, copyrights, enforcement, and more.
Kenya's IP Strengths
- The 2021 Anti-Counterfeit Amendment Regulations allow rightsholders to register their rights with the Anti-Counterfeit Authority
- The 2020 Anti-Counterfeit Act amendments strengthen enforcement powers
Kenya's IP Weaknesses
- Data Protection (General) Regulations 2021 do not provide clarity on potential data localization requirements under the 2019 Data Protection Act
- Important gaps in copyright protection and enforcement, particularly in the digital space
Ranking: 43/55
The strength of a nation’s IP framework compared to others, with 1 being strongest and 55 the weakest.
Score: 38.28%
Scores (0-100%) based on benchmarking an economy's IP policies across 55 indicators related to patents, copyrights, enforcement, and more.
Thailand's IP Strengths
- The 2022 Copyright Act amendments introduced a notice-and-takedown scheme and additional remedies for the circumvention of technological protection measures, including the manufacture, sale, rental, or importation of circumvention devices
- The 2022 Thailand Research and Innovation Utilization Promotion Act improves technology transfer environment
Thailand's IP Weaknesses
- Inadequate patent protection and gaps in patentability for high-tech arts, including life sciences and CIIs
- High physical counterfeiting and digital piracy rates; software piracy is estimated at 64%
Ranking: 42/55
The strength of a nation’s IP framework compared to others, with 1 being strongest and 55 the weakest.
Score: 38.64%
Scores (0-100%) based on benchmarking an economy's IP policies across 55 indicators related to patents, copyrights, enforcement, and more.
India's IP Strengths
- Cinematograph (Amendment) Bill 2023 includes new language and criminal sanctions on film piracy
- Streamlined Form 27 in 2020
India's IP Weaknesses
- The 2021 dissolution of the Intellectual Property Appellate Board combined with the long-standing issue of an under resourced and overstretched judiciary raises serious concerns about rightsholders’ ability to enforce their IP rights in India and to resolve IP-related disputes
- Limited framework for the protection of biopharmaceutical IP rights
Ranking: 41/55
The strength of a nation’s IP framework compared to others, with 1 being strongest and 55 the weakest.
Score: 40.30%
Scores (0-100%) based on benchmarking an economy's IP policies across 55 indicators related to patents, copyrights, enforcement, and more.
Ukraine's IP Strengths
- The 2020 amendments to the law on design rights extends the term of protection to 25 years
- Growing body of case law on protection of trade secrets
Ukraine's IP Weaknesses
- The 2020 amendments to the Law on Protection of Rights to Inventions and Utility Models weaken the national IP environment, especially in relation to life sciences
- Major gaps exist across all categories of the Index—both a lack of relevant IP laws and weak enforcement
Ranking: 40/55
The strength of a nation’s IP framework compared to others, with 1 being strongest and 55 the weakest.
Score: 40.76%
Scores (0-100%) based on benchmarking an economy's IP policies across 55 indicators related to patents, copyrights, enforcement, and more.
Vietnam's IP Strengths
- The 2022 amendments to the Law on Intellectual Property (IP Law) improve copyright protection
- Acceded to the WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty in 2022
Vietnam's IP Weaknesses
- Inadequate protection of life science patents, with a challenging enforcement environment
- 2022 amendments notwithstanding, gaps in copyright protection remain, including a lack of measures to address online infringements
Ranking: 39/55
The strength of a nation’s IP framework compared to others, with 1 being strongest and 55 the weakest.
Score: 40.88%
Scores (0-100%) based on benchmarking an economy's IP policies across 55 indicators related to patents, copyrights, enforcement, and more.
Ghana's IP Strengths
- Contracting party to most international IP treaties included in the Index; joined UPOV 1991 in 2021
- Member of African Regional Intellectual Property Organization (ARIPO)
Ghana's IP Weaknesses
- Legal framework remains rudimentary for most IP rights, with many key IP rights and incentives unavailable
- High levels of counterfeit and substandard medicines
Ranking: 37/55
The strength of a nation’s IP framework compared to others, with 1 being strongest and 55 the weakest.
Score: 41.58%
Scores (0-100%) based on benchmarking an economy's IP policies across 55 indicators related to patents, copyrights, enforcement, and more.
Philippines's IP Strengths
- IPOPHL continued stronger IP enforcement efforts online in 2022
- Draft amendments to the IP Code would strengthen the IP environment
Philippines's IP Weaknesses
- Barriers to for licensing and technology transfer
- Significant gaps in life sciences and content-related IP rights
Ranking: 36/55
The strength of a nation’s IP framework compared to others, with 1 being strongest and 55 the weakest.
Score: 42.16%
Scores (0-100%) based on benchmarking an economy's IP policies across 55 indicators related to patents, copyrights, enforcement, and more.
Honduras's IP Strengths
- CAFTA membership fundamentally improved the national IP environment
- Plant variety protection is in place
Honduras's IP Weaknesses
- Patentability standards outside international norms; key problem areas include second-use claims for biopharmaceuticals and patent protection for CIIs
- Infringement of copyright through signal piracy and online and web-based streaming is highly pervasive and constitutes a major source of illegal content not effectively addressed by government
Ranking: 35/55
The strength of a nation’s IP framework compared to others, with 1 being strongest and 55 the weakest.
Score: 44.70%
Scores (0-100%) based on benchmarking an economy's IP policies across 55 indicators related to patents, copyrights, enforcement, and more.
Jordan's IP Strengths
- Basic legal framework for major IP rights
- Sector-specific IP rights introduced as part of the 2001 U.S. FTA
Jordan's IP Weaknesses
- No R&D or IP-specific tax incentives are in place
- Uncertainty about the actual availability of the full term of RDP protection—eligibility contingent on global launch and registration in Jordan within 18 months
Ranking: 33/55
The strength of a nation’s IP framework compared to others, with 1 being strongest and 55 the weakest.
Score: 46.52%
Scores (0-100%) based on benchmarking an economy's IP policies across 55 indicators related to patents, copyrights, enforcement, and more.
Brazil's IP Strengths
- “Operation Copyright” and “Operation 404 against piracy” continued in full force in 2023; these key enforcement efforts with Brazilian police and international authorities disable access to infringing content online
- Joined the Hague Agreement in 2023
Brazil's IP Weaknesses
- Article 40 invalidation by the Supreme Court in 2021: without an instrument to replace Article 40, the measure weakens Brazil’s patenting standards and retroactively targets the biopharmaceutical industry; this remained unaddressed in 2023
- Limited participation in international treaties—only a full contracting party to two of nine treaties are included in the Index
Saudi Arabia
Ranking: 32/55
The strength of a nation’s IP framework compared to others, with 1 being strongest and 55 the weakest.
Score: 48.42%
Scores (0-100%) based on benchmarking an economy's IP policies across 55 indicators related to patents, copyrights, enforcement, and more.
Saudi Arabia's IP Strengths
- The Saudi IP authority (SAIP) continues to assume leadership on IP policy and enforcement; a marked increase in online copyright and trademark enforcement occurred in 2022-2023
- SAIP has put in place an ambitious reform agenda and is revamping the administration of the Kingdom’s national IP environment; continued positive efforts occurred in 2023
Saudi Arabia's IP Weaknesses
- Pharmaceutical patent protection and linkage mechanism in effect suspended through SFDA actions in 2017
- Significant gaps in copyright legal framework, chiefly related to protection online
Ranking: 31/55
The strength of a nation’s IP framework compared to others, with 1 being strongest and 55 the weakest.
Score: 48.84%
Scores (0-100%) based on benchmarking an economy's IP policies across 55 indicators related to patents, copyrights, enforcement, and more.
Colombia's IP Strengths
- Stronger copyright enforcement efforts through National Directorate of Copyright (DNDA) injunctive-style relief action against online piracy
- Acceded to Convention on Cybercrime in 2020
Colombia's IP Weaknesses
- The 2023 Ministry of Health Resolution 881 continues policy history of use of compulsory license and public interest declarations to leverage price reductions for biopharmaceuticals
- Substantial barriers are in place for licensing activities, including direct government intervention and review of technology transfer and licensing agreements
Ranking: 30/55
The strength of a nation’s IP framework compared to others, with 1 being strongest and 55 the weakest.
Score: 49.72%
Scores (0-100%) based on benchmarking an economy's IP policies across 55 indicators related to patents, copyrights, enforcement, and more.
Chile's IP Strengths
- Joined the Madrid Protocol in 2022
- IP law amendments (Law 19,309) passed in 2021; extends term of protection for design rights and improves enforcement environment
Chile's IP Weaknesses
- Uncertainty on accessibility of term restoration with new IP law amendments (Law 19,309)
- Lack of sufficient framework to tackle online piracy, although some success in disabling access to infringing websites
Ranking: 29/55
The strength of a nation’s IP framework compared to others, with 1 being strongest and 55 the weakest.
Score: 49.82%
Scores (0-100%) based on benchmarking an economy's IP policies across 55 indicators related to patents, copyrights, enforcement, and more.
Peru's IP Strengths
- Continued injunctive-style relief and copyright enforcement by the national IP office INDECOPI in 2023
- The 2021 Decree 063-2021 strengthens public consultation and stakeholder participation in the lawmaking and regulatory process
Peru's IP Weaknesses
- Compulsory license is actively considered for biopharmaceuticals based on cost
- Rudimentary digital copyright regime (with some exceptions)
Ranking: 28/55
The strength of a nation’s IP framework compared to others, with 1 being strongest and 55 the weakest.
Score: 51.04%
Scores (0-100%) based on benchmarking an economy's IP policies across 55 indicators related to patents, copyrights, enforcement, and more.
Türkiye's IP Strengths
- 2023 reforms of the biopharmaceutical localization environment following the WTO ruling
- Türkiye has sought to align its national IP environment with EU standards in recent years
Türkiye's IP Weaknesses
- Localization policies have become a more prominent part of industrial and economic policy targeting high-tech sectors
- Key gaps persist in the copyright environment and in patent protection and enforcement
Ranking: 27/55
The strength of a nation’s IP framework compared to others, with 1 being strongest and 55 the weakest.
Score: 53.44%
Scores (0-100%) based on benchmarking an economy's IP policies across 55 indicators related to patents, copyrights, enforcement, and more.
Malaysia's IP Strengths
- Strong enforcement efforts against infringing set-top boxes continued through Malaysian Communications and the Multimedia Commission and Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs
- The 2022 amendments to the Patent Act now provide a defined pathway of postgrant opposition proceedings
Malaysia's IP Weaknesses
- A government-use license (the equivalent of a compulsory license) was issued in 2017 for sofosbuvir, a breakthrough medicine to treat hepatitis C
- De facto RDP full term of protection is not offered to new products
Costa Rica
Ranking: 26/55
The strength of a nation’s IP framework compared to others, with 1 being strongest and 55 the weakest.
Score: 55.04%
Scores (0-100%) based on benchmarking an economy's IP policies across 55 indicators related to patents, copyrights, enforcement, and more.
Costa Rica's IP Strengths
- Launch of IP technical assistance programs for SMEs in 2023
- Implementation of software management tools for the public sector addresses the long-standing issue of unlicensed software use
Costa Rica's IP Weaknesses
- No significant R&D or IP-based tax incentives in place
- Delays and a significant lack of implementation of the online copyright regime
Dominican Republic
Ranking: 25/55
The strength of a nation’s IP framework compared to others, with 1 being strongest and 55 the weakest.
Score: 55.30%
Scores (0-100%) based on benchmarking an economy's IP policies across 55 indicators related to patents, copyrights, enforcement, and more.
Dominican Republic's IP Strengths
- Launch of a new IP enforcement coordinating body, the National Inter‑Ministerial Council of Intellectual Property in 2023
- Dominican Republic–Central America Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) membership fundamentally improved the national IP environment
Dominican Republic's IP Weaknesses
- Patentability standards are outside international norms—no second-use claims for biopharmaceuticals and virtually no patent protection for CIIs
- Infringement of copyright through signal piracy and online and web-based streaming is highly pervasive and constitutes a major source of illegal content not effectively addressed by the Dominican government
Ranking: 24/55
The strength of a nation’s IP framework compared to others, with 1 being strongest and 55 the weakest.
Score: 57.86%
Scores (0-100%) based on benchmarking an economy's IP policies across 55 indicators related to patents, copyrights, enforcement, and more.
China's IP Strengths
- Reform of IP laws after Phase One Agreement with the United States
- The 2020 Patent Law amendment aims to improve the environment for biopharma and other patent-dependent industries and extends the term of protection for design patents
China's IP Weaknesses
- Despite positive changes in 2019-2020 regarding technology transfer and licensing, continued challenges exist with respect to technology transfer and the licensing environment for SEPs; growing trend of rightsholders facing global antisuit injunctions and restrictions on their ability to assert infringement claims in legal jurisdictions outside China
- The 2022 Anti-Monopoly Law greatly expands the government’s basis for action against anticompetitive behavior and substantially increases fines and penalties; 2023 finalized rules contain not only broad and vague language on what constitutes anticompetitive behavior within an IP rights context but also vest considerable discretion with the anti-competition authorities in identifying and defining such behavior
Ranking: 23/55
The strength of a nation’s IP framework compared to others, with 1 being strongest and 55 the weakest.
Score: 59.98%
Scores (0-100%) based on benchmarking an economy's IP policies across 55 indicators related to patents, copyrights, enforcement, and more.
Mexico's IP Strengths
- 2021 publication of an IMPI study on the economic impact of IP-intensive industries in Mexico: analysis conducted with EUIPO and modeled on EPO and USPTO studies
- The 2020 amendments to the Industrial Property Law implement some provisions of the USMCA
Mexico's IP Weaknesses
- Partial and ambiguous protection for life sciences IP
- Gaps in enforcement against online piracy
Ranking: 22/55
The strength of a nation’s IP framework compared to others, with 1 being strongest and 55 the weakest.
Score: 62.76%
Scores (0-100%) based on benchmarking an economy's IP policies across 55 indicators related to patents, copyrights, enforcement, and more.
Morocco's IP Strengths
- 2022 accession to Singapore Treaty and Geneva Act (part of Hague Agreement)
- Fairly well-developed national IP system—highest-performing middle income economy in the Index
Morocco's IP Weaknesses
- Challenging enforcement environment: high rates of physical counterfeiting and online piracy
- Some uncertainty surrounds the practical availability of patents for CIIs
Ranking: 21/55
The strength of a nation’s IP framework compared to others, with 1 being strongest and 55 the weakest.
Score: 67.34%
Scores (0-100%) based on benchmarking an economy's IP policies across 55 indicators related to patents, copyrights, enforcement, and more.
Taiwan's IP Strengths
- Continued strong support exists for SMEs to develop IP assets through the TIPO fast-track examination procedure and expanded technical assistance
- Amendments to the trade secrets law improved the IP environment in 2020
Taiwan's IP Weaknesses
- Important gaps exist in the digital copyright regime, and the 2022 Copyright Act amendments do not fundamentally address this
- The new Copyright Act introduces an unprecedentedly broad exceptions regime related to educational, personal use, and nonprofit copyright exceptions
New Zealand
Ranking: 20/55
The strength of a nation’s IP framework compared to others, with 1 being strongest and 55 the weakest.
Score: 69.36%
Scores (0-100%) based on benchmarking an economy's IP policies across 55 indicators related to patents, copyrights, enforcement, and more.
New Zealand's IP Strengths
- The New Plant Variety Rights Act improves the term of protection for the Index standard
- R&D tax incentives were passed in 2019
New Zealand's IP Weaknesses
- The practical application and net effect of the Copyright (Infringing File Sharing) Amendment Act has been mixed at best, with few cases heard by the Copyright Tribunal and most cases dismissed because of technicalities
- No patent term restoration is in place for biopharmaceuticals
Ranking: 19/55
The strength of a nation’s IP framework compared to others, with 1 being strongest and 55 the weakest.
Score: 70.74%
Scores (0-100%) based on benchmarking an economy's IP policies across 55 indicators related to patents, copyrights, enforcement, and more.
Poland's IP Strengths
- R&D tax incentives are in place
- The 2018 transposition of EU Trade Secrets Directive harmonized Polish trade secret law with EU standards
Poland's IP Weaknesses
- The 2023 EU package of new pharmaceutical laws fundamentally weakens biopharmaceutical IP rights, including RDP
- Gaps in online copyright protection, including an effective notice-and-takedown system
Ranking: 18/55
The strength of a nation’s IP framework compared to others, with 1 being strongest and 55 the weakest.
Score: 71.42%
Scores (0-100%) based on benchmarking an economy's IP policies across 55 indicators related to patents, copyrights, enforcement, and more.
Greece's IP Strengths
- 2023 transposition of CDSM Directive into Greek law through Law 4996/2022
- Continued strong efforts on copyright enforcement through administrative relief and disabling of infringing websites, including introduction of dynamic injunctions
Greece's IP Weaknesses
- The 2023 EU package of new pharmaceutical laws fundamentally weakens biopharmaceutical IP rights, including RDP
- 2023 proposal for new EU compulsory licensing regime
Ranking: 17/55
The strength of a nation’s IP framework compared to others, with 1 being strongest and 55 the weakest.
Score: 72.74%
Scores (0-100%) based on benchmarking an economy's IP policies across 55 indicators related to patents, copyrights, enforcement, and more.
Israel's IP Strengths
- The 2019 copyright amendments strengthened enforcement against online infringement and introduced the possibility of injunctive-style relief
- Global leader in technology transfer and international licensing activity—no administrative or regulatory barriers are in place
Israel's IP Weaknesses
- The 2021 proposed amendments to Patent Law introduce a manufacturing, export, and stockpiling exemption to the current patent term restoration regime
- Current pregrant patent opposition proceedings are characterized by long delays to patent prosecution
Ranking: 16/55
The strength of a nation’s IP framework compared to others, with 1 being strongest and 55 the weakest.
Score: 76.22%
Scores (0-100%) based on benchmarking an economy's IP policies across 55 indicators related to patents, copyrights, enforcement, and more.
Canada's IP Strengths
- Continued issuing of dynamic injunction orders in 2023 further strengthens copyright enforcement in Canada
- The USMCA took effect in 2020, which resulted in a longer copyright term, new criminal sanctions for theft and misappropriation of trade secrets, and ex officio authority for border action against in-transit goods
Canada's IP Weaknesses
- Continued uncertainty about existing interpretation of educational exceptions to copyright; 2021 Supreme Court decision in Access Copyright case adds more layers of uncertainty and legal complexity
- Deficiencies with respect to pharmaceutical patent enforcement remain unaddressed in Patented Medicines (Notice of Compliance) Regulations
Ranking: 15/55
The strength of a nation’s IP framework compared to others, with 1 being strongest and 55 the weakest.
Score: 76.90%
Scores (0-100%) based on benchmarking an economy's IP policies across 55 indicators related to patents, copyrights, enforcement, and more.
Hungary's IP Strengths
- Transposed the EU Trade Secrets Directive into Hungarian Law in a new trade secrets law, Act LIV of 2018 on the Protection of Trade Secrets
- Generous R&D and IP-specific tax incentives are in place
Hungary's IP Weaknesses
- The 2023 EU package of new pharmaceutical laws fundamentally weakens biopharmaceutical IP rights, including RDP
- 2023 proposal for new EU compulsory licensing regime
Ranking: 14/55
The strength of a nation’s IP framework compared to others, with 1 being strongest and 55 the weakest.
Score: 80.70%
Scores (0-100%) based on benchmarking an economy's IP policies across 55 indicators related to patents, copyrights, enforcement, and more.
Australia's IP Strengths
- Global leader in copyright enforcement in the online space
- Established a system of injunctive relief that permitted the disabling of foreign-hosted infringing websites
Australia's IP Weaknesses
- The pregrant opposition system causes significant delays to patent grants
- Not a contracting party to the Hague Agreement
Ranking: 13/55
The strength of a nation’s IP framework compared to others, with 1 being strongest and 55 the weakest.
Score: 83.90%
Scores (0-100%) based on benchmarking an economy's IP policies across 55 indicators related to patents, copyrights, enforcement, and more.
Italy's IP Strengths
- Transposition of EU Directive 2019/790 on Copyright and Related Rights in the Digital Single Market (CDSM Directive)
- Generous R&D and IP -specific tax incentives are in place
Italy's IP Weaknesses
- The 2023 EU package of new pharmaceutical laws fundamentally weakens biopharmaceutical IP rights, including RDP
- 2023 proposal for new EU compulsory licensing regime
Ranking: 12/55
The strength of a nation’s IP framework compared to others, with 1 being strongest and 55 the weakest.
Score: 84.92%
Scores (0-100%) based on benchmarking an economy's IP policies across 55 indicators related to patents, copyrights, enforcement, and more.
Singapore's IP Strengths
- The 2021 Copyright Act contains substantial liability provisions related to the sale and distribution of set-top boxes
- Implementation of an R&D and IP tax incentives scheme in 2019
Singapore's IP Weaknesses
- The 2021 Copyright Act expanded the existing copyright exceptions regime
- Lack of transparency and data on customs seizures of IP-infringing goods
Ranking: 10/55
The strength of a nation’s IP framework compared to others, with 1 being strongest and 55 the weakest.
Score: 85.98%
Scores (0-100%) based on benchmarking an economy's IP policies across 55 indicators related to patents, copyrights, enforcement, and more.
Switzerland's IP Strengths
- R&D and IP tax incentives have been in place since 2019
- Strong and sophisticated national IP environment
Switzerland's IP Weaknesses
- The 2020 copyright law amendments only partially address online infringement; do not include option to disable access to infringing content online or content hosted by foreign sites
- Overly broad interpretation of limitations and exceptions for copyright—remains unchanged after 2020 amendments
Ranking: 9/55
The strength of a nation’s IP framework compared to others, with 1 being strongest and 55 the weakest.
Score: 86.44%
Scores (0-100%) based on benchmarking an economy's IP policies across 55 indicators related to patents, copyrights, enforcement, and more.
Spain's IP Strengths
- The Royal Decree-Law 24/2021 transposed EU Directive 2019/790 on Copyright and Related Rights in the Digital Single Market (CDSM Directive)
- The 2021 Protocol to Strengthen the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights further strengthens Spanish enforcement efforts
Spain's IP Weaknesses
- The 2023 EU package of new pharmaceutical laws fundamentally weakens biopharmaceutical IP rights including RDP
- 2023 proposal for new EU compulsory licensing regime
Ranking: 8/55
The strength of a nation’s IP framework compared to others, with 1 being strongest and 55 the weakest.
Score: 89.38%
Scores (0-100%) based on benchmarking an economy's IP policies across 55 indicators related to patents, copyrights, enforcement, and more.
Ireland's IP Strengths
- Transposition of EU Directive 2019/790 on Copyright and Related Rights in the Digital Single Market (CDSM Directive)
- 2018 transposition of EU Trade Secrets Directive through EU (Protection of Trade Secrets) Regulations 2018 (No. 188 of 2018)
Ireland's IP Weaknesses
- The 2023 EU package of new pharmaceutical laws fundamentally weakens biopharmaceutical IP rights, including RDP
- 2023 proposal for new EU compulsory licensing regime
Ranking: 7/55
The strength of a nation’s IP framework compared to others, with 1 being strongest and 55 the weakest.
Score: 91.24%
Scores (0-100%) based on benchmarking an economy's IP policies across 55 indicators related to patents, copyrights, enforcement, and more.
Netherlands's IP Strengths
- Continued leader in copyright enforcement—private-public initiatives led by the national copyright foundation BREIN and the Dutch government
- The 2018 transposition of the EU Trade Secrets Directive improves the Dutch trade secret environment
Netherlands's IP Weaknesses
- The 2023 EU package of new pharmaceutical laws fundamentally weakens biopharmaceutical IP rights, including RDP
- 2023 proposal for a new EU compulsory licensing regime
Ranking: 6/55
The strength of a nation’s IP framework compared to others, with 1 being strongest and 55 the weakest.
Score: 91.26%
Scores (0-100%) based on benchmarking an economy's IP policies across 55 indicators related to patents, copyrights, enforcement, and more.
Japan's IP Strengths
- Continued strong copyright enforcement efforts
- 2020 amendments to the Copyright Act continue to strengthen the copyright environment
Japan's IP Weaknesses
- Concerns about the protection of biopharmaceutical patent rights following approval of several follow-on drugs in 2020 by the Japanese drug regulatory authority
- Remedies against online copyright infringement remain underdeveloped compared to other OECD economies
Ranking: 5/55
The strength of a nation’s IP framework compared to others, with 1 being strongest and 55 the weakest.
Score: 92.12%
Scores (0-100%) based on benchmarking an economy's IP policies across 55 indicators related to patents, copyrights, enforcement, and more.
Sweden's IP Strengths
- 2021 accession to the Convention on Cybercrime
- Strong and sophisticated national IP environment
Sweden's IP Weaknesses
- The 2023 EU package of new pharmaceutical laws fundamentally weakens biopharmaceutical IP rights, including RDP
- 2023 proposal for new EU compulsory licensing regime
Ranking: 4/55
The strength of a nation’s IP framework compared to others, with 1 being strongest and 55 the weakest.
Score: 92.46%
Scores (0-100%) based on benchmarking an economy's IP policies across 55 indicators related to patents, copyrights, enforcement, and more.
Germany's IP Strengths
- Additional R&D tax credits introduced in 2020
- Advanced and sophisticated national IP environment
Germany's IP Weaknesses
- The 2023 EU package of new pharmaceutical laws fundamentally weakens biopharmaceutical IP rights, including RDP
- 2023 proposal for new EU compulsory licensing regime
Ranking: 3/55
The strength of a nation’s IP framework compared to others, with 1 being strongest and 55 the weakest.
Score: 93.12%
Scores (0-100%) based on benchmarking an economy's IP policies across 55 indicators related to patents, copyrights, enforcement, and more.
France's IP Strengths
- Under Law 2021-1382, copyright enforcement powers have been expanded to allow French Copyright Authority (HADOPI) to take quicker action against mirror sites; establish a black list of repeat infringing hosts and websites; expedite disabling of access after a judicial order; and introduce an expedited pathway for infringement of live sports broadcasting
- Generous R&D and IP-specific tax incentives are in place through an R&D tax credit and special patent box tax rate (maximum of 17%) on income derived from qualifying licensing income and/or the sale of the patent or patentable technology
France's IP Weaknesses
- The 2023 EU package of new pharmaceutical laws fundamentally weakens biopharmaceutical IP rights, including RDP
- 2023 proposal for new EU compulsory licensing regime
United Kingdom
Ranking: 2/55
The strength of a nation’s IP framework compared to others, with 1 being strongest and 55 the weakest.
Score: 94.12%
Scores (0-100%) based on benchmarking an economy's IP policies across 55 indicators related to patents, copyrights, enforcement, and more.
United Kingdom's IP Strengths
- Strong and sophisticated national IP environment
- The UK is a model for injunctive-style relief for rightsholders when battling online infringement
United Kingdom's IP Weaknesses
- The UK government chose to retain EU SPC exemption for exports of biopharmaceuticals—this remains a significant risk to the UK’s research and IP-based biopharma industry
- Limited criminal sanctions are available for the theft and misappropriation of trade secrets
United States of America
Ranking: 1/55
The strength of a nation’s IP framework compared to others, with 1 being strongest and 55 the weakest.
Score: 95.48%
Scores (0-100%) based on benchmarking an economy's IP policies across 55 indicators related to patents, copyrights, enforcement, and more.
United States of America's IP Strengths
- The U.S. national IP system continues to provide international leadership
- Sector-specific rights and protections are in place across all categories of the Index
United States of America's IP Weaknesses
- Long-standing uncertainty about patentability standards for high-tech sectors
- Long-standing uncertainty about PTAB proceedings
Top 4 Findings for 2024
1. Twenty economies improved their overall scores, signaling optimism for global IP policy's future, but work remains.
- Top gains: Saudi Arabia (+6.04%), Brazil (+4.50%), and Nigeria (+3.00%) showcase policy-driven innovation investments.
- Static scores: 27 economies remain unchanged; 8 declined, with Ecuador dropping over 1% due to inadequate border control against IP infringement.
- Leadership Challenge: No significant progress in top-ranked economies calls for the U.S. and EU to reassert IP policy leadership.
2. Multilateral organizations can reaffirm global IP commitment instead of tolerating counterproductive measures like IP waivers.
- Post-pandemic response: Despite the pandemic's end in May 2023, debates on IP waivers for COVID-19 treatments and diagnostics continue, risking future IP Index scores.
- WHO proposals: The draft Pandemic Accord and International Health Regulations suggest time-bound IP waivers and forced technology transfers.
- Broader impact: The push against IP protections now includes demands for green technology and climate solutions waivers.
3. High-income economies risk losing IP leadership with new policy and regulatory proposals.
- U.S. concerns: Proposals to expand march-in rights based on pricing and patentability uncertainties undermine the life sciences sector.
- EU proposals: Legislative changes in Europe may weaken regulatory data protection, undermine patent protection, and jeopardize trade secrets.
4. Economies continue to take steps to combat online piracy.
- Online piracy progress: Notable efforts to combat online copyright infringement through dynamic injunctions.
- Legislative changes: Economies introduced legislative changes to increase criminal sanctions in India, implement EU law, and better protect copyrighted content in Nigeria.
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IP Category Highlights
- Patents: 23 economies score above 70%, with India and Pakistan making notable legislative changes.
- Copyrights: Marginal improvement in protection with proactive enforcement in Brazil, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt.
- Trademarks: Average scores rise with significant enforcement actions and judicial rulings in Taiwan and Saudi Arabia.
- Design rights: EU proposals aim to modernize design rights, with Indonesia increasing protection terms.
- Trade secrets: EU's EHDS proposals may affect the handling of confidential health data and undermine trade secrets protection.
- IP commercialization: Morocco takes steps to facilitate IP asset licensing and commercialization.
- Enforcement: Strong actions in the Netherlands and the Dominican Republic highlight the focus on enforcement.
- Systemic efficiency: Saudi Arabia, Kenya, and Costa Rica engage in IP policy improvements, awareness raising, and training.
- International treaties: Brazil joins the Hague Agreement, but new free trade agreements show varied commitment to comprehensive IP protection.
For a full analysis and detailed scores, download the full report below.